Our Goal

The renewable energy industry as a whole is expanding daily, our aim is to be at the forefront of the yachting sector by keeping you in touch with the latest information and choices available.

At IY Green we are dedicated to bringing you information on renewable energy powered yachts of all sizes and types. Yachts we can make available to you right now, those in final build, and those available in the very near future. We will also feature the existence and progress of yachts in concept, design and development from builders expanding and pushing boundaries.




We will feature information on the newest in the realm of motors, batteries, generation systems, drives and boat designs. This will allow you to stay in touch with the newest technologies and ideas that are driving the industry as a whole.



The growth of the availability of renewable energy yachts now provides options to many individuals who would not typically purchase boats for a number of reasons. Whether it be environmental restrictions on their waterways, or in not wishing to consume the enormous amounts of fossil fuel typical in boating.

A growing realization is also the noise, smell and maintenance free qualities of electric voyaging. Now all concerns are removed, and you have choices for a cleaner and less restrictive alternative.





We understand that renewable energy in transportation is not just a market, it is a movement with growing enthusiasm in the latest choices for those wanting to take advantage of newer, better and more efficient products and technology. For this reason we will constantly source the most current news and reports on the latest developments and availability.


corporate office

3290 St. Croix Trail S., Afton, Minnesota 55001, USA

ph: +1 952.463.0969

ph: +1 612.840.1754   (WhatsApp)

e-mail us here

